BraveKids.org. A program of United Cerebral Palsy (UCP). This site includes My Life Without Limits to support individuals with a range of disabilities and My Child Without Limits, to support families with children with a range of disabilities.
Children Diagnosed with Cancer:Returning to School. Article published by the American Cancer Society.
Just Got Diagnosed.com. Resources for individuals recently diagnosed with chronic and catastrophic medical conditions, their caregivers, and loved ones.
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation' s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. The NAMI website offers support for teens and young adults and families and caregivers.
Special Needs Resource List San Diego. San Diego Family Magazine publishes Flourishing Families, the annual special needs resource guide for families and agencies in San Diego County. It is a comprehensive list of behavior, education and health resources located in San Diego County and beyond.
SuperSibs. Strives to support, honor and recognize brothers and sisters of children with cancer
Starlight Children' s Foundation. Website provides a safe, monitored online support group for teens with cancer. Coping with Chemo is a series of animated stories that includes topics like disclosing to friends and going back to school
2bMe. 2bMe is part of Look Good Feel Better for Teens. For those ages 13 through 17, it gives both guys and girls information on many appearance-related, social, and nutritional side effects of treatment.